In light of the growing crisis surrounding the spread of the COVID-19 virus current crisis and Governmental guidance concerning this, all services, mid-week prayer meeting, and Bible studies, Housegroups and other groups that meet in the buildings are cancelled until further notice.
The same is true for our “Together for Christ” friends in the Church of Scotland. In the meantime, we’ll keep in touch with each other by phone, text and social media and continue to provide online sermons accessed via our website at and click on 'Listen Again', via CD recorded sermons which we will deliver on request, and I will be looking into live streaming our Sunday morning service. Our priority is prayer, for those who are ill, frightened, who have to self-isolate and for those in responsible positions, as we plead with God to heal and restore, confessing our sins and seeking his mercy (2 Chronicles 7. 13-14; Psalm 91). If anyone needs support or wants to talk, or knows of anyone who needs the same, please do email or call Colin on 01445 712371, [email protected]. Comments are closed.