This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month and so there are only 2 services, both in Gairloch at 11am and 5pm. We are also, along with the Church of Scotland, recommmencing on a trial basis, the 3pm Service in Strathburn House. I will lead that service on Sunday so please do remember this in your prayers. Please also remember the FCYC in Renfrew which we are sponsoring and praying for. This camp is due to start on Saturday 2nd July and will run until Saturday 9th July.
Gairloch 11am Praise In Christ Alone Psalm 118. 19-29 (Sing Psalms) Leaning on the Everlasting Arms Reading: Luke 13. 22-30 Title: Will the Few Be Saved? Will You be Saved? Asserting Salvation (v23) Addressing Salvation (v24-30) Affirming Salvation (v24-30) The service will be livestreamed through our Facebook page as usual here Gairloch, Kinlochewe & Torridon Free Church of Scotland | Facebook and is also available to view afterwards on our YouTube page here GKT Free Church - YouTube Sunday Club meets during the service and refreshments will be served afterwards. Gairloch 5pm Praise King of Kings Majesty Psalm 18. 29-36 (Sing Psalms) O Church Arise Read: 2 Samuel 2.8-3.5 Title: Confronting the Kingdom A Big Picture (v17, v30-31, 3.1) A Bad Protagonist (v12-28) A Blessed Progress (3.1-5) Comments are closed.