I hope and pray that you had a good weekend and a blessed Lord's Day. We remembered HM Queen Elizabeth II in our services yesterday, giving thanks for her service to the nation and the Lord and praying that King Charles III will follow in her footsteps. Should you wish to, there is a Book of Condolence that you can sign which is accessed online at http://www.royal.uk Death is often a time for reflecting on the direction and devotion of our lives and my prayer is that as we mourn as a nation the same would apply to ourselves as individuals.
Seoras and Sarah's (Turkey) latest newsletter arrived and so because I am not able to share it around, at their request, can I ask that anyone wishing to receive the updates let me know and I will have your email added to the distribution list. The same applies for Morag Macleod (Bahrain). Contributions for the projects supported by WfM can be left in the plate on Sunday or made by Bank transfer, clearly marked 'WfM'. The notices and the PFOA for the week ahead are as follows: Monday Ladies Bible Study meets today in the Fellowship area at 2pm continuing reading and reflecting on Isaiah. Wednesday CBS meets on Zoom at 7pm studying Daniel 2.24-49, Lesson 4 Thursday No meeting in Kinlochewe today Sunday Services in Gairloch at 11am and 5pm and in Kinlochewe at 2.30pm (please note the change of venue from Torridon Hall). Comments are closed.