Denominational Prayer Focus is on the Free Churches in Ayr and Kilwinning and Helmsdale and Kinbrace. Fellowship in the Manse after the evening service. Notices for the Week Ahead TUESDAY Prayer Meeting in Kinlochewe at 11am. All welcome. WEDNESDAY Together For Christ Mission Meeting with Morag Macleod here at 7.30pm. SUNDAY Gairloch 11am and 5pm and Kinlochewe at 2.30pm. Advance Notices Together For Christ Mission Meeting on Wednesday 25th September in Aultbea Free Church at 7.30pm. Mike Fernandez, Latin Link Scottish Director, speaking. Hearing The Word interactive 4 hour Bible Reading course takes place in the Church of Scotland on Friday 27th Septmeber from 7.30pm – 9.15pm and on Saturday 28th September from 9.30am to 12.30pm. Please do let Stuart Smith know if you intend to go. Details on small flyers on the table. Blythswood Care – Highland Foodbank Harvest 2019 : Let's help make a difference to people's lives again this year. Over 7,000 people were helped throughout Highland last year. God's bounty to us is a cause for thanksgiving & a reminder of our responsibility to assist those in need. During the months of August, September & October Blythswood have assigned the following items for us to donate: tins of potatoes; tins of ham; tins of mince/stew; oatcakes/crackers; long life juice; shower gel/shampoo. Any other items continue to be welcome. Donations of new or used ‘bags for life’ are also much appreciated. If you want more information or just want to reach out to make contact please feel free to contact theMinister Colin L MacLeod on 01445 712371 or 07881 986038 or email [email protected] Website : Facebook: Comments are closed.