Communion Weekend
We also welcome Rev Alasdair Macleod who is leading both services and will speak at a fellowship meeting after the evening service. Denominational Prayer focus on Greyfriars (Inverness) and Lochcarron and Applecross No 2.30 pm service today. Notices for the Week Ahead Tuesday Living Christianity in Edwin and Mary Ann's at 7 pm, looking at Christians and Work. Study sheets available in the fellowship area. All welcome. Wednesday FOFL in the fellowship area at 7 pm, looking at Mouthpiece for Truth and Justice. Study sheets available in the fellowship area. Friday Interdenominational women's meeting at 10 am in the fellowship area. Please join us for a time of fellowship through bible study, sharing, praying, and a cup of tea. We will be looking at Romans 8. 17-30. Sunday Harvest Thanksgiving/Family service in Gairloch at 11 am, Torridon service at 2.30 pm and Gairloch at 5 pm. Advance Notices Wednesday 30th October Together for Christ (TFC) mission meeting at 7.30 pm in Gairloch C of S. Donald Garvie, Mission Africa, speaking. Sunday 3rd November – TFC Communion Service in Poolewe Hall at 10.30 am (note earlier start), led by Stuart Smith (C of S). The service is starting earlier to allow our own congregation to remain behind after the service for tea/coffee etc before coming over for our usual monthly soup and pudding lunch in the fellowship area at 12.30 pm. The 5 pm service will be a TFC Joint Service and the preacher will be Laurie Chancellor representing Release International. Sunday 10th November – Joint Remembrance Service in Gairloch Church of Scotland at 10 am, followed by an Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at 11 am. If you want more information or just want to reach out to make contact please feel free to contact the Minister Colin L MacLeod on 01445 712371 or 07881 986038 or email [email protected] Website : Facebook: Comments are closed.