Tea and Coffee served after the morning service. All welcome. Denominational Prayer Focus is on Gardenston and Kinloch Free Churches. This Week : TUESDAY :
Other Items : Monthly Soup and Pudding Lunch after the morning service on Sunday 4th August. If you are able to help with puddings and/or with dishes, please speak to Jessie. Recorded Sermons can be accessed either by requesting a CD (forms in the fellowship area) or by connecting through the website and clicking on Listen Again. Blythswood Care – Highland Foodbank : Items requested for April to July: tins of ham [big or small]; diluting juice; packets of Smash [dried potato mash]; washing powder [small]; men’s deodorant. Any other items continue to be welcome. Blythswood Foodbank Admin comments, “Without church help, we could not feed people in crisis”. Please place items in the box near the door. Thank you. Comments are closed.