Community Christian Worship
Today: We welcome Rev Angus MacRae, Dingwall Free Church, who is leading our services today in the Gairloch Community Hall at 11am and Aultbea Free Church at 5pm. Soup and Pudding Lunch today in the church hall, after the service in the Community Hall. Loop System is in the Church to assist those with hearing aids. Denominational Prayer Focus is for St Peter’s, Dundee and Kilmallie and Ardnamurchan. Presbytery Prayer Notes and Global Mission Prayer Notes available including large print copies. This Week : EXTENDED TIME OF PRAYER : The Lord Jesus spent all night in prayer (Luke 6.12). We believe prayer is serious, scriptural and significant to revival and revitalisation and so we are going to have a time of extended prayer in Kinlochewe on Tuesday and in Gairloch on Wednesday this week. We hope that this will bring people together to pray, praise, read and reflect on Scripture and seek the Lord's blessing on us as a congregation, denomination, church, nation and world. The prayer time will begin at 11 am and will end around 5 pm on Tuesday and at 7 pm and end around midnight on Wednesday. People can come and go as they are able to during these times. There will be prayer suggestions offered but everyone is welcome to come along with their own requests for prayer, praise and scripture readings. It is hoped this will become a monthly practice focussing on Kinlochewe one month and Gairloch the next. TUESDAY :
Other Items : Cleaning Rota : It would be great to have new volunteers to come onto the church cleaning rota. If you want to know what being on the rota entails, please speak to Kenny. Many thanks to those who are on the rota already and to those who have added their names recently. Recorded Sermons can be accessed either by requesting a CD (forms in the fellowship area) or by connecting through the website and clicking on Listen Again. Blythswood Care – Highland Foodbank : Items requested for April to July: tins of ham [big or small]; diluting juice; packets of Smash [dried potato mash]; washing powder [small]; men’s deodorant. Any other items continue to be welcome. Blythswood Foodbank Admin comments, “Without church help, we could not feed people in crisis”. Please place items in the box near the door. Thank you. Comments are closed.