Tea and Coffee served after the morning service. All welcome. Fellowship in the Manse after the evening service. All welcome. Denominational Prayer Focus is on Oban and Rosskeen Free Churches. MONDAY :
Together For Church Service in Gairloch Community Hall on Sunday 2nd June at 11am and in Aultbea Free Church at 5pm. Rev Angus MacRae will preach. We plan to have our monthly congregational Soup and Pudding Lunch on that day as usual. Please add your name to the list if you hope to attend and if you can help with puddings or dishes please speak to Jessie. Cleaning Rota : It would be great to have new volunteers to come onto the church cleaning rota. If you want to know what being on the rota entails, please speak to Kenny. Many thanks to those who are on the rota already and to those who have added their names recently. Colin is away at the General Assembly from Monday until Thursday evening. Any urgent pastoral matters for Gairloch should be directed to Ian Grant (712465) or Kenny Morrison (712266), and for Kinlochewe/Torridon contact Robert Coke (760364). Recorded Sermons can be accessed either by requesting a CD (forms in the fellowship area) or by connecting through the website and clicking on Listen Again. Blythswood Care – Highland Foodbank : Items requested for April to July: tins of ham [big or small]; diluting juice; packets of Smash [dried potato mash]; washing powder [small]; men’s deodorant. Any other items continue to be welcome. Blythswood Foodbank Admin comments, “Without church help, we could not feed people in crisis”. Please place items in the box near the door. Thank you. Comments are closed.